The Colosseum in Rome was from 72-80 CE, it was the first and largest theater that was designed as a freestanding object holding up to fifty thousand people.
- aerial view of the Colosseum
- this shows the exterior wall of the Colosseum
- the interior of the Colosseum
- common element in Greek and Roman cities
- built with concrete vaults
- it is still standing today
- it sits in a valley between three hills
- known as a landmark
- can be be seen from all directions
- was a place for public punishment until the 8th century
- gladiatorial combats and the exhibition of wild beasts took place
- there is a balanced interpretation of structure and mass
- the wall was fifty three meters high
- the layers of the wall were divided into Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
- no openings were on the forth story
- to support awnings large masts were clamped against the building
- was at Rome's center
- similar to the Temple of Fortuna
- used for entertainment, sports, and battle
- columns appeared to be more structural than they actually were
- has underground vaults
- it has survived through earthquakes, fires, and lootings
Good start...needs a well thought out title and concept. Also, supporting paragraph connecting to the readings. How does it effect design today?